In accordance with Section 287.055, Florida Statutes, and other state and federal laws, The Panama City Port Authority, a special district, (the “Port”) is soliciting professional consultants for engineering services for the design, bid, and construction management of the Port’s East Terminal Phase Two Warehouse project.
A Non-Mandatory Q&A will be held on February 2nd, 2024, at 10:00 AM, (CST). The meeting can be attended in person at the Port Authority’s Board room, address One Seaport Drive, Panama City, Florida 32401, or by Microsoft Teams Meeting ID: 217 730 593 375, Passcode: ewr9pp. Submissions for this Request for Qualifications (RFQ) must be delivered in person, via U.S. mail or courier service to the Port Authority’s Administrative Office at One Seaport Drive, Panama City, Florida 32401, or through the Port Authority’s Alternative Electronic Submission by February 23, 2024, by 2:00 M, CST. Submissions must be in a sealed package and must be plainly marked, “RFQ EAST TERMINAL PHASE TWO WAREHOUSE ENGINEERING SERVICES” along with the Respondent’s name and address. For the Port Authority’s Alternative Electronic Submission Delivery Procedure, contact Ms. Sarah Harris, Public Relations Administrator at: Submissions delivered after 2:00 PM, CST, on February 23rd, 2024, may be rejected by the Port Authority as untimely.
Please review all documents pertaining to this Request for Qualifications before submitting requested information. The Request for Qualifications documents may be obtained from our website: If you should have questions regarding this application package, please submit them by e-mail to Ms. Sarah Harris, Public Relations Administrator, at:
The Port Authority reserves the right to reject any or all submissions for this RFQ in whole or in part, to waive informalities in the process, to obtain new submittals, or to postpone the opening of responses submitted pursuant to Port Authority policy. The Panama City Port Authority is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Alex King
Executive Director