INVITATION FOR BIDS (Amended 10/11/23) 

Sealed bids, subject to conditions contained herein, will be received by the Deputy Director, Panama City Port Authority, One Seaport Drive, Panama City, Florida 32401, until Thursday, October 19th 2023, 2:00pm Central Time (CT) and then publicly opened and Read at the Port of Panama City Boardroom for furnishing all labor and materials and performing all work for the following: 

Panama City Port Authority Intermodal Distribution Center, 

Mitigation Area Phase 4 Prescribed Burning 

DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Project scope consists of work to implement the mitigation plan for the Panama City Port Authority Intermodal Distribution Center including: 

Implementation of prescribed fire (with emphasis during growing season, April – September) on the 1,140-acre Mitigation Area (Exhibit 1) as part of wetland mitigation at the Port Panama City Intermodal Distribution Center, Highway 231, Panama City, Florida. 

A pre-bid meeting will not be held. A non-mandatory site tour can be arranged during the week of September 25-29, 2023 by contacting Atkins at 407-806-4582. Responses to questions posed by bidders during a site tour will not be binding unless submitted in writing and subsequently issued by Addendum. 

October 12th, 2023 – Deadline for submission of questions from contractors. 

October 16th, 2023 – Contractor Questions and Responses distributed to plan holders. 

Copies of the Contract Documents are on file at Atkins Orlando office; 482 S Keller Rd. Orlando, FL 32810. 

They may be examined at the above addresses (no charge), electronic copies can be requested (no charge), or hard copies will be provided to the Bidder at a fee of fifty dollars ($50) per set, checks made payable to Atkins North America, Inc.. This payment is non-refundable. Partial sets will NOT be issued. Bidders please call 407-806-4582 to schedule pickup of hardcopy bid sets. Bids, accompanied by the Public Entity Crime Statement and Tax Savings Agreement must be submitted upon the standard forms included in the Contract Documents. 

The Panama City Port Authority reserves the right to reject any and all bids or parts of bids, to waive any and all bid informalities and to award the bid determined to be in the best interest of the Port. In addition to the discretionary powers vested in the Port, and not in lieu thereof, the Port reserves the right to reject a bid based on the absence of adequate budgetary allowances for the Project. The Port reserves the right to negotiate the terms of the Contract, including pricing and changes to the Plans and Specifications, with the lowest and best bidder. Should negotiations with the lowest and best bidder fail to result in a contract, the lowest and best bidder may be deemed disqualified and the Port may enter into negotiations with the next lowest bidder. This process may continue until negotiations with all bidders fail. The Port reserves the right to accept the lowest and best bid for a period of up to sixty (60) days.

Envelopes containing bids must be sealed, addressed as follows, and delivered to the Deputy Director, Panama City Port Authority: INTERMODAL DISTRIBUTION CENTER, MITIGATION AREA PHASE 4, One Seaport Drive, Panama City, FL 32401 

By: 2:00pam, Thursday October 19th, 2023 

Alex King 

Executive Director